Without this lot we'd be nothing!
Meet our Heroes.
Since I started RAR in November 2016, I have not been alone. All our members are great, but our first birthday seems an appropriate time to publicly thank and honour those who have particularly helped us grow over the first 12 months.
Some of these people have been quietly tidying the place up for years, and all have been a great source of help and inspiration since we started. So thank you!
Charlie was the first person to get in touch with us, and has been a great supporter since day 1. Ably assisted by Cocoa, they ensure Dartmoor is kept pristine and rubbish-free.
Lindsay has been picking up rubbish in Wasdale for a long time! Long before we were involved she was clearing up after tourists on Scafell Pike, and we are very proud to call her a member.
Alex & Megan
Alex is the king of the Rivelin Valley and regularly comes home with a bag full of rubbish. As the University of Sheffield Union's Development Officer, Megan has involved us in events and helped us reach a new audience. Together they are a team to be reckoned with!
Kev was one of our first winners, and helped us reach loads more people through Twitter. He also has the honour of being the only person to both win a prize and draw a prize-winner!
Team Findlay-Robinson
Some runners might recognise that name. Rhys and Rach are great supporters, and we're very grateful for your support. Rach is a regular binner, and Rhys has been known to carry coffee cups for huge distances to keep the fells tidy.
Ruth & Debs
These two work for the National Trust and have been fantastically supportive of us at their Trust10 events. We're going to be working together even more in the future!
We've also been supported by some fantastic companies, who have donated prizes as part of the Be A Binner campaign, and helped promote our message. We'd like to say a huge public thank you to all of them! Thank you all...
Dogtag Travel Insurance, Si and Marion at Beta Climbing Designs, Accelerate Running Store, LED Lenser, Mountian Fuel, Guy and Ski Club GB